Work, house renovation and addition, money, kids, baseball, swim, dance, coaching cross country or baseball. These are all things I have going on in my life at the moment. Actually, these are the major things going on. We all lead busy lives. There’s nothing easy about having four kids. The older they get, it seems the harder it is to raise them. Pile everything else on, and it seems to get overwhelming.
I have many days where there is just so much to do that I put things on the back burner. Actually, I ignore them completely until it’s critical. I hate that I do that. I’ll have a list of things that need to be done a mile long and I’ll sit down and scroll on my phone. Next thing I know, an hour has past and the laundry is still sitting in a pile next to me on the bed. I get so overwhelmed that I don’t do anything. It’s a paralysis.
My running has suffered because of this. I have found that if I can’t go out for a 3-5 mile run, what’s the point. If it’s too late, there’s no point in doing anything. I’ve been completely wrong in this mindset. One mile is better than zero. I know that I can go out for a 25 minute slow run and get 2 miles in. My goal going into September is to go out and do SOMETHING. It doesn’t have to be life changing, it just has to be habit forming. Mileage is irrelevant.
I’ve still have to push myself to make a list of what has to be done the next day, week, and month. If I don’t accomplish my list for the day, it gets pushed to the next day. But it has to get done.
Accomplishing the smaller tasks move you towards your bigger goals. I’m putting a large addition on my house right now. I don’t go outside and just throw walls up without setting out my tools, gathering the right materials, and measuring out what needs to be built. Those are all the small tasks that help accomplish the big goal.
I’ve always said that small successes become great achievements. Just because something doesn’t go right one day, don’t throw your whole day away. I’ve been doing that and it’s stagnated growth in areas in my life. I overthink things and make a bigger deal of things than they really are. It’s a slight inconvenience right now, but not near the inconvenience it will be later.