It’s that time of year. That time where spare time is scarce and stress is high. The next few weeks will be filled with parties, gifts, get togethers, family and lots of delicious food. It’s the time of year where a lot of people let go of goals and push them back to January. Here are a few ways to get a jump start on your physical goals for the new year.



Start a Routine

Get into good habits now. A lot of people have the mentality that they will start their exercise or healthy eating after the business of the holidays is over. Getting into a healthy routine now will keep you from starting behind the eight ball later on. My thing now is getting up very early in the morning for my runs. My runs are getting longer and if I try to put them off for later on in the day, they’ll never get done. I’m trying to train my body to get up early again. If you’re plan is to walk more, go for a walk after dinner every night. Participating in an exercise routine 3 to 4 times per week will give you a head start on those new year resolutions.


Sign Up For a 5k

Signing up for a race always holds me accountable. Even if you plan on walking part of it (or the whole thing), It sets a deadline and a goal to work towards. There are plenty of race distances out there. A lot of 5k races offer a 1 mile fun run. That’s a great way to get the whole family out there. Keep it fun and sign up for something that is doable.


Eat Healthy Meals

During this time of year, with all the parties and get togethers, we seem to seem to have an overabundance of cookies and desserts everywhere we turn. Incorporate healthy eating habits during the day, so when it’s time for the party or get together, having a dessert or a couple of cookies is not going to be that big of a deal. Eating fruit as a snack between meals will make you feel better.


Use Your Calendar For Workouts

Utilize your tools to your advantage. When I schedule a work out on my calendar, I’m more likely to do it. I set up an alert with it and let’s me know when I need to work out. I also use a task manager app on my phone. It also sends me notifications when something needs to be done. I find it highly annoying to have a red notification alert on my screen.


Set Your Goals Now

Don’t wait until New Years day to set a goal. Have it in mind now and start working on it. As humans, we tend to put things off. Starting now means you won’t have to work off an extra 5 pounds come January.
